When working with Excel binders in Active Workpapers, you may occasionally encounter corruption issues that prevent the file from opening. Here's how to recover your work:
Quick Fix Steps
Click Yes when Excel displays the file recovery prompt
Save the repaired file to your desktop
Navigate to the binder in Active Workpapers
Go to Settings & Tools and select Excel Binder Profile
Upload the repaired file and click Save
Prevention Tips
To minimize sync issues and file corruption:
Enable Autosave in Excel
Use the "Save" option regularly (avoid "Save As")
Wait for sync completion before closing Excel
Keep file sizes manageable
Ensure stable internet connection when working with binders
Still Having Issues?
If you cannot recover the file using these steps:
Take a backup copy of your current file
Contact support if you need help recovering data
Consider requesting a remote assistance session for complex cases
The repaired file may be smaller than the original due to data recovery processes. Always verify the contents after recovery to ensure critical information is preserved.